Sliding Scale Interest Form "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* What financial barriers are currently standing in the way?*What health concerns are present for you?*What is your goal in working together & how would you assess improvement?*How bothersome are your current health concerns?*Select an optionYes, absolutely!Yes, but I have questions.I am not sure.Are you willing and ready to invest in your health?*Select an optionThey affect me daily.They affect me weekly.They affect me here and there.What are you willing or able to put towards treatment recommendations?*Select an option$60+ monthly$30 - $60 monthly< $30 monthlyAre you interested in chatting more over video call?*Select an optionYes, definitely!No thanks.Are you open to spacing out follow up visits to best support your finances & treatment process?*Select an optionYes, absolutely!Yes, I think so.I am not sure.CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. @ayanaturopathicmedicine Follow Us 🌟 Hormonal Acne: What’s Really Going On? 🌟 🛏️ I’ve been there… and I know there’s ✨ Want to improve your sleep? ✨ Insomnia is o Insomnia affects 30% of adults, and it’s more th The holidays are filled with expectations, events,